





STACM Header



Liturgy Committee

The Liturgy Committee helps the Pastor in the planning and coordination of liturgical ministries and celebrations including weekday and weekend Masses and all major seasonal liturgical events. Meetings are held 4 – 6 times a year.

Contact: Marie Salah 422-7797 or [email protected] [email protected]


Altar Society

The Altar Society prepares the altar and sanctuary for liturgical celebrations. Tasks include: linen care, weekly flower arrangements, maintaining the holy water fonts, dusting, organizing the pews, cleaning vessels, etc. The preparation of the church for special liturgical celebrations is also undertaken by the Altar Society in conjunction with the sacristan. Training provided.

(CM) Yvonne Bennett 422-8338 or [email protected]
Dagmar Worthington, [email protected]



Lectors (Ministry of the Word)

ReadersThe lectors proclaim the first and second reading at weekly Masses, read the prayers of the faithful and make any pertinent announcements.  Lectors must be parish members, have a good speaking voice and a love for God's Word. Schedules are done one month at a time.  Christmas, Holy Week, Easter and parish missions are scheduled on a seasonal basis.  Some lectors give extra time to read at weekday liturgies.  These are not scheduled. 


Contact Judy Savoy 423-3067, [email protected]




The Sacristans arrange the physical setting for liturgical celebrations, specifically, opening the church, and ensuring that the vessels, candles, altar linens, etc. are in their places, and monitoring the supplies of consumables; host, wine, candles. Scheduled on a rotational basis and also for weddings, funerals, and other liturgies as required.

(CM)Margaret Foster 425-5835 or [email protected]
(STA) Teresa Doyle 423-3990 or [email protected]



Altar Servers

Altar servers, both youth and adult, assist the priests and deacon at Mass. Positions include cross bearer, candle bearer, assisting with incense, setting the altar and assisting during Sunday Eucharist, funerals and special events..

Rev. Mark Cherry, 423-3057 or [email protected]



Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist assist the priest with the distribution of the Holy Eucharist during Mass and other liturgical celebrations. Training provided.

(CM) Margaret Foster 425-5835 or [email protected]




Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist for the Sick and Shut-ins

This is a very rewarding ministry as the sick and shut-ins are so grateful for the effort
made to bring them the Eucharist and spend time with them. The commitment by
volunteers is to visit two or three people approximately once a month.

Contact: Lou Beaubien 429-5854 or [email protected]



Ministers of Hospitality/Ushers

Ministers of Hospitality/ushers assist parishioners in finding a place to sit for weekly parish Masses and special celebrations. They help find individuals or families to bring up the gifts of wine and bread during the offertory; help take up collection; assist individuals in distress as necessary; greet and welcome parishioners as they come and go.

(CM) Jim Trainor 455-5970 or [email protected]
(STA) Cullen Delory 422-2114 or [email protected] 

           Bill Ryan 455-5065 or [email protected]  



Music Ministry

Music Ministry participants lead the congregation in prayer and worship at the Sunday liturgies, seasonal celebrations and special liturgical occasions. Opportunities include: the Parish Choir, the Sunday Evening Worship Band, the Schola, the Family Choir, Music Eleven Choir, and the CCO Band. Time & commitments varies with each group; anywhere from 4 hours per month to 5-6 hours per week.

Contact: Ruth Webster, 423-3057 or [email protected]



Audio Visual Ministry

Slide Operation − assist in the set up and operation of the computer at the weekly Masses. Simple and quick training is required and provided. Time commitment is rotational and usually one Sunday per month.

Slide Preparation − a brand new Ministry!! – Help prepare the slide presentation program for the weekly Masses. using the parish laptop and its presentation program, type hymns, lyrics and prayers onto the slides. If time and skill allows, minor graphic design in developing the Mass theme slides can be done. Simple and quick training is required and provided. Time commitment would be weekly or bi-weekly/monthly if numbers of volunteers permit.

Sound/ Technician-Mixing − Primarily at the STA location Masses. Assist in setting up thesound equipment and the operation of the soundboard for the Masses. Some extensive training is required and provided. Practice of mixing skills is necessary.

Contact: Ruth Webster, 423-3057 or [email protected]


For more information regarding any of these activities, please contact the person listed or call the parish office at 423-3057. Our website is also a valuable resource for current information on parish activities. Sign up for the weekly e-bulletin!

Office Hours

Office Hours:
Monday through Friday
8 a.m. until 4 p.m

Phone (902) 423-3057
Fax ## (902) 484-6944

Email: [email protected]

News and Events
  • STACM Youth News
  • Family Faith Formation
  • Mental Health Program Gifts
  • Nicaraguan Service Trip
Bulletin Downloads

Parish Bulletins:

Bulletin 6 Dec 2015

Bulletin 29 Nov 2015

Bulletin 22 Nov 2015

Bulletin 15 Nov 2015

Town Hall Meeting Documents

Backgrounder In Preparation for the Meeting of January 13, 2015

Input to the Meeting of January 13, 2015 Meeting

Statement of the Physical and Spiritual Elements of our Future Redesign

Parish Demographics 2013

PP Presentation for the Meeting of April 29, 2015

Final Report of the Architects for the Meeting of May 26, 2015

Questions and Answers from the May 26th Meeting

PP Presentation for the Meeting of May 26, 2015

Documents and Forms

STACM Transition Process Update

Family Faith Registration Form

Edge Registration Form

Oneight Registration Form

Marriage Brochure (PDF)

Sacred Heart Chapel Sign Up Form (PDF)

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